Sunday, November 4, 2012

Art Journal Page

I just thought I would share an art journal page that I made last night.  It was in response to a challenge on Two Peas in a Bucket, and it's also an expression of my gratitude for having come through Hurricane Sandy with only a 2-day power outage.  So many other folks didn't fare so well.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely layout! I am glad you fared well. We lost power and heat for 5 days where I live on LI. I lost half of a large tree, but no house damage. My sister in Rockaway didn't fare well at all. Lost her brand new car (2 weeks) and house is ruined on the bottom two floors. I can't get her to leave, so she still has no power all these days later. Just sad. But like your layout, we are GRATEFUL as so many are suffering.
