Today I'm thankful for my sense of humor. It has helped me out of difficult situations and lessened the stress of a difficult day on many occasions.
I'm really glad I've kept up with this over the past 7 days. It was good to reflect on some of the many blessings I have that I sometimes take for granted.
I love all things creative: Card Making, Art Journaling, Scrapbooking, Jewelry Making, and more. I hope you find something here at my blog to inspire you to express your own creativity. Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
7 Days of Being Thankful: Day 6
Today I am thankful for having the best job in the world. I am a technology trainer for older adults. When I told them that I wouldn't be in on Wednesday, and that another trainer would be covering my class, they were disappointed but understood. When I told them that the person covering was very good, they said, "He may be very good, but he isn't you. You present the material with such warmth and patience that no one could take your place." Seriously. I'm getting all teary-eyed right now.
7 Days of Being Thankful: Day 5
Today I'm thankful for spending Sundays with my family. Mom came over, and we worked on Christmas cards and tags. We all ate downstairs together. I'm glad we're able to do that.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
7 Days of Being Thankful: Day 4
Today I am feeling thankful for my health. Other than some minor issues here and there, I am in good health. I am grateful for waking up healthy and (relatively) pain-free every day, and for having healthy children and a healthy husband.
Friday, November 22, 2013
7 Days of Being Thankful: Day 3
I have to admit that I'm finding it very hard to be positive right now. We had a very difficult afternoon and early evening with David. I feel emotionally and physically drained. But I can find something to be thankful for, even in the midst of all of this. I am thankful for having the patience and endurance that I need to deal with the challenges and difficulties that I encounter in my life. At least, for the most part.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
7 Days of Being Thankful: Day 2
Today I'm remembering how thankful I am for the special family members in my life. We're a small group now, but we are strong. We've been through a lot together, and we have been there for each other through it all.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
7 Days of Being Thankful: Day 1
Since Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow, I thought I would reflect on my life and "count my blessings." I sometimes get caught up in everyday negativity, and I think it's important to pause and think about all of the good things I have in my life. This may turn into a Gratitude Journal of sorts, and it may not. But I think it's important for me to do this, no matter what I decide to do.
Today I am thankful for my family. Not one of us is perfect, but we make it work. We love each other, and we support each other. I have a husband who has been my source of strength and encouragement for not only the 24+ years that we have been married, but also during the years before our marriage. I have a son who has overcome many challenges and difficulties with humor and love. I have a daughter who is not only a "Mini Me," but who is also talented, smart, and beautiful both inside and out. Yeah, we're pretty O.K.
Today I am thankful for my family. Not one of us is perfect, but we make it work. We love each other, and we support each other. I have a husband who has been my source of strength and encouragement for not only the 24+ years that we have been married, but also during the years before our marriage. I have a son who has overcome many challenges and difficulties with humor and love. I have a daughter who is not only a "Mini Me," but who is also talented, smart, and beautiful both inside and out. Yeah, we're pretty O.K.